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Wrestling with Israel

Wrestling with Israel

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"Joel captures the American-Israeli narrative in a hilarious way that leads to stimulating dialogue among those who care about Israel most.”

Hanoch Greenberg
Director, Summer Shlichim Program Jewish Agency for Israel

Army Hug - goes on ABOUT page.jpg

Joel at his graduation from basic training ceremony.
Latrun, 1997

Meaningful, honest, uplifting conversation about Israel on campus.


Talking about Israel with college students used to be easy. 

Today, it's more complicated than ever. Proferssors, protest groups, and even Jewish students themselves cloud the conversation with misleading statements about the Jewish state. Students who support Israel feel uncomfortable doing so.


Unlike college students in the past, today's students seek a deeper, more nuanced and honest version of the Israel

narrative -- and they deserve it.

The question is, how do you create this kind of conversation, and keep the program light and fun?


In "Wrestling With Israel," comedian Joel Chasnoff uses stories, jokes, and examples from his own Israel journey to create honest, meaningful dialogue about Israel. 


Who's it for?

College students of all backgrounds, though the program is geared to Jewish students. 

How long is it?

About an hour. 

What happens in a workshop session?

The workshop has of two parts. 

In Part One, Joel creates a sense of shared narrative and safe space by telling comedic stories about his own Israel narrative, including his nine years in Jewish day school, multiple visits to Israel, and his eventual service in the Israeli army.

In Part Two, Joel facilitates meaningful, honest dialogue about the challenges of speaking about and supporting Israel on campus today. 


Participants are encouraged to ask questions, share their own misgivings, and investigate the dilemmas inherent to discussion about Israel. We hash it out together.

What's the cost?

Current cost is $2,000 plus a share of travel to/from campus, based on the routing of Joel's tour.

Can Joel stay on campus longer to conduct additional programming?

Yes! Speak to Joel directly for details. 

”How often do you have people telling you that they LOVED your event? It was all because of Joel’s incredible comedy.”

 Camp Ramah Outdoors 

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